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I blog about my upcoming releases, all sorts of other books, and other bits of fluff from my mind. I also have a passion for wildlife and the environment. Every now and then I also share poems and stories.

Currently reading

The Long War
Stephen Baxter, Terry Pratchett

Purely Paranormal

Purely Paranormal - Patti Larsen

I left a review for each these books in their appropriate titles on Amazon and GoodReads.

Now to sum up the collection.
I loved all the stories, I want to follow up on the Auberdeen and Sydlynn Hayle stories, Clone 3 is also intriguing.
Not sure about Fresco and Run I like them, but not as much as the others.
All in all a good introduction to the paranormal worlds of Patti Larsen’s books.
Would recommend to anyone who is unsure of where to start in Patti Larson's paranormal series.