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I blog about my upcoming releases, all sorts of other books, and other bits of fluff from my mind. I also have a passion for wildlife and the environment. Every now and then I also share poems and stories.

Currently reading

The Long War
Stephen Baxter, Terry Pratchett

Family Magic Review

Family Magic (The Hayle Coven Novels: Book One) - Patti Larsen

Family magic follows a teenage girl called Sydlyn Hayle.

Syd could be a normal teenage girl if she didn’t try so hard to fit in, but when you’re mother’s leader of a coven, your father is a demon and your little sister looks like one in her down time, normal just doesn’t seem to work out.

We follow Syd, the reluctant witch, as she steadfastly refuses to use her magic and makes every attempt to break out of the coven. Unfortunately for Syd she soon finds that her reluctance in using magic means that as her powers grow so does her lack of control. To make matters worse she can’t seem to have a conversation with her mother without having raging arguments that put the whole family on edge.

Every aspect of her life seems to be dominated by her smothering coven and Syd find herself losing her temper and her control far too often.

When an evil force infiltrates the coven she is dragged into the dispute and her family is implicated Syd finds herself having to learn to control her powers and her anger.

But there is something different about Syd’s magic, something that scares even her demon father, and despite the need for Syd to take control of herself and her powers she is constantly waging a war between using her magic and bottling it up.

I really got into the head of Syd and couldn’t help but be carried away with her tempestuous temper.